Nature provides balance, stress relief, a stronger mentality and can leave one feeling physically refreshed. From weather patterns to the cycles of the season, nature's beauty flows through the earth from top of the atmosphere to the deep ocean bottoms. My work, which ranges in materials, seeks to capture this push and pull of nature's all encompassing energies and remind the viewer that they too can find tranquility through nature's rhythm.
I work from home as a full time artist in the small town of Madisonville, Louisiana. My studio is constantly filled with many canvases, bags of clay, and plants.
BFA Memphis College of Art 2010, Painting Major. Art History Minor.
Awards Received Award of Excellence in Painting, Memphis College of Art, 2010 Best of Show, 27th Annual September Exhibition, Alexandria Museum of Art, 2014
2023 Animals, Group Show, Twin Steeples Creative Art Center, Ponchatoula, La. 2022 Mother’s Nature, Group Show, Mary C. O’Keeffe Cultural Center, March-May, Ocean Springs, Ms. Twin Steeples Art Center, Group Show, Ponchatoula, 2021 Silent Light, Group Show, Walter Anderson Museum, December, Ocean Springs Ms. 2020 Suspension and Release, Group Show, Shainberge Gallery, March, Memphis, Tn. 2019 Water, Water, Group Show, Walter Anderson Museum, Ocean Springs,Ms. 2018 Solo Show, Shainberge Gallery, August, Memphis Tn. 2015 Juried Show, Palladio Group, Group Show, Memphis, Tn. 2014 27th Annual September Exhibition, Group Show, Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, La. 2013 Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series, Group Show, Art for Art Sake, L'entrepot Gallery, Julia Street, New Orleans, La. Louisiana Contemporary, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, Group Exhibition, New Orleans, La. “Past, Current, Future – GULF OF MEXICO”, American Society of Limnology/Oceanography, Group Show, New Orleans, La. Women's Caucus For Art, Midcity Theater, Group Show, New Orleans, La. 2012 Women Outreaching Women Exhibit, Group Show, Watson La. Project Sketchbook Exhibit, Group Show, Memphis, Tn. Raw Artist, Ensemble, Group Show, Eiffel Society, New Orleans, La. Raw Artist, Semi-Finals Awards, Group Show, Howlin' Wolf, New Orleans, La. 2011 Salon des Refuses, Group Show, Trouser House, New Orleans La. Yokna Bottom Farms Festival, Yokna, Ms 2010 Undergraduate Exhibition Juried by Beth Edwards, Group Show, Memphis College of Art, Memphis, Tn. South Main, Group Show, Memphis, Tn. BFA Graduating Class of 2010, Group Show, Memphis College of Art, Memphis, Tn. Boobie Trees, Solo Show, Pnh Cafe, Memphis, Tn 2009 Collaboration of Art and Poetry, Memphis, Tn. 2008 Flocculent Fems, Group Show, Vini Gallery, Memphis, Tn.
Festivals and Art Markets Atlanta Arts Festival, Atlanta, GA. Fall 2013 Cooper Young Festival, Memphis, TN. 2008, 2009 Yokna Bottom Farms Festival, Yokna, MS. 2011 FrenchQuarter Festival, New Orleans, LA. 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jackson Square, New Orleans, LA. Active since 2011, Seasonal. Palmer Park Arts Market, Palmer Park, New Orleans, LA. 2014. Seasonal. Freret Street Festival, New Orleans, LA. 2015 Art in the Pass, Pass Christian, MS. 2015,2016,2017,2018 Bayou City Art Festival Downtown, Houston, TX. 2015,2017,2018 Peter Anderson Festival, Ocean Springs, MS. 2015,2016,2021 Three Rivers Festival, Covington, LA. 2015 Double Decker Festival, Oxford, MS. 2016, 2017 Dogwood Festival, Atlanta ,GA. 2016 Great Gulf Coast Festival, Pensacola, FL. 2017 Gulf Breeze Festival, Gulf Breeze, FL. 2018 Piedmont Park Arts Festival, Atlanta, GA 2018
Publications Ruminate Magazine, featured cover artist, Issue 31. Spring 2014 Hyphen, Temple University's Undergraduate Literary & Arts Magazine. 2014 Wilde Magazine, Erotica Issue 1, Summer 2014 The Local Voice, Newspaper, Q and A , April 2016
Donations 2013 Zumbathon Charity Event, to raise money for children with life threatening illnesses 2014, 2015 Chairish the Children, Children's Museum of New Orleans. New Orleans, LA.